Rental office with water equipment in Cedzyna 2017

We are inviting you to our rental office with water equipment. In our offer you can find: 3 sailing boats, 4 kayaks, 6 4-seat pedal boats and 4 2-seat pedal boats. Rental office is open every day from 10:00 to 18:00, between 01.07.2017 and 31.08.2017. Bokking of water equipment under phone number: Bosun Michał: 605-109-991. Near our Center there is safe space to swim, which is guarded by professional lifeguards from Świętokrzyskie WOPR. During warm and sunny days there will be a foodtruck with mexican cuisine in our Center. So there is something for the body and the stomach :). Light chillout from speakers will provide you a nice, calm and safe rest near Cedzyna lake. Welcome!