Szlachetna Paczka 2016
Dodany przez Marlena Jabłońska
Previous ones were very successful, and last one was a record! If you want to join our package form Sea Club HORN, if you want to help - Join Our Package! We can do more together! Package is like a shot straight in the heart, because besides material help it makes loneliness feeling disappear and restores faith in humans in families with tough situation.
We want to do more than last year, so if finances will allow it - we will choose two families.Faith in us is strong and we have big experience, so we know that we will make someone happy again and will give happiness. People sending biggest amounts of money will have special thanks from Sea Club HORN, which can be put in representative place. Laste year we made 2 families happy!
Donations are priceless: Klub Morski Horn, ul. Jasieńskiego 20, 25-346 Kielce Bank Śląski O/Kielce 85 1050 1416 1000 0022 9063 1742 title of the transfer: Szlachetna Paczka.
Sea Club's HORN coordinator for Szlachetna Paczka is Yachtmaster Krzysiek "Recha" Reszke:, phone: 507-124-810. The wind is kind, sails are ready, pull the ropes... We are sailing to the port where people need our help! Ahoy!