XXVI Cedzyna 24h Regatta
Dodany przez Marlena Jabłońska
We are inviting you to a prestige XXVI Cedzyna 24h Regatta, which will take place in Cedyna lake (near Kielce) at 03-04.09.2016. Those regatta's are considered one of the toughest regatta in Poland because is lasts for 24 hours and they are not put on hold because of weather conditions. It is the only occasion to sail on inland lake during the night. For safety measures there will be perfectly tarined lifeguards and OSP firefighters at the place. We are providing evening meal on water for every participant of regatta. Regatta will have OPEN category which includes "Absolute Fastest" and every sailing ship can take a part in this category. Please contact our Club's organizator for sign ups and questions: email: Sławek Łukasiewicz elektryk69@gmail.com or phone: 502-398-451.